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Want a cool command added to your Custom Shadow Bot?

If you are in need of a custom command added to your Custom Shadow Bot, we can do it for you! Please read all the following information before buying though!


When you purchase this, you understand that the $5 may NOT cover the cost of a custom command. If you command is hard to implement, requires a decent amount of time to implement, requires systems or structures to be changed in many ways, or anything of that nature, you will likely be charged extra.
The $5 covers most basic command changes or additions, such as added a basic message or command response, change a permissions or a basic feature of a set or single command, or things of that nature.

Please just think over what you are wanting before purchasing, and feel free to contact us for a quote before you purchase.

Custom Shadow Bot Command — $5

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This item is not currently being sold. Check back later.

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