June Newsletter [2023]

Posted by: Agent BUB
Posted 11 months ago

Issue #3 - June 2023

In this issue:

  1. Pricing Update
  2. Timeline Updates

Topic 1: Pricing Update

With summer's typical hectic scheduling, college course (for both summer and the regular school year) work increasing, and other life events, our only developer (and CEO) Zach, or Agent BUB, is facing increasingly limited free time. As a result, we decided to reevaluate our commission pricing, and unfortunately, we find it necessary to implement price increases. We know that our low and very competitive prices is part of what is so appealing, but the price increase has to happen at this point.

That said, the following information is the price changes to each respective commission package:

Custom Websites:
-- Old: $100
-- New: $200
Custom Tebex/Shopify:
-- Old: $75
-- New: $150
Custom Discord Bot:
-- Old: $50
-- New: $100

Remember, these are the base prices for items. That cost may not cover your completed project in full. Even with price increases, the baseline covers the same amount of content as before.

We understand that this adjustment may not be ideal, but it reflects the growing demand for Zach's expertise and the need to balance the increasing demands on his time. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.

Topic 2: Timeline Updates

Please bear in mind the information below is subject to change at any time. This is due to the chance schedule changes occur, people cancel, or extra free time becomes available. Also, it would be wise to read topic 1's first paragraph which details the reasoning behind the changes below.

Sub-topic 2.1: Commissions

For the most part, we will be doing the best we can do keep commission times relatively the same; however, there is a chance that certain requests may have longer timelines then previously. We will still be evaluating each commission on a case by case bases, and we will provide such timeline in the quote when taking in new requests.

Sub-topic 2.2: Products & Projects

Sadly, product production will take a bit of a hit. It takes a good amount of time to build out top-quality products. We still plan to release products, but it may just be on a longer timeline. The biggest plan is to turn content we use to enhance commission products to help service other developers' projects. Additionally, we will start releasing basic forms of common commission requests to help provide such content easier and upfront.

That all said, we still do have several projects in the works that will see the light of day, some sooner than others, but we will publish them. We just want to ensure that Zach isn't overwhelmed and burns out, so we want to balance the workload in the best possible way to continue to provide all the quality content we do.

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